Wednesday 18 July 2007

A good book

It's that time of year where the cold weather (the coldest weather ever, apparently!) and the warmth of indoors means curling up on the couch with a good book and a good cup of coffee... doesn't it?

Well, if you're in need of some encouragement in the reading area, we're here to provide some inspiration. Below is a list of some books we've been reading over the past few months that we've enjoyed (other than the bible of course!). If you want to add one to the list, leave a comment & we'll add the link!

George Muller: Delighted in God (Roger Steer)

Sex God (Rob Bell a.k.a "the Nooma guy")

The 5 Love Languages (Gary Chapman)

The Cross Centered Life (C.J. Mahaney)

The Story (TNIV)
a retelling of the bible stories - this is a great option if you need something to refresh you in your quiet times.

A Spiritual Field Guide (Bernard Brady & Mark Neuzil)

The Power of a Praying Wife (Stormie Omartian)

Suffering and the Sovereignty of God (John Piper & Justin Taylor)

And on our to-read-next list:

Velvet Elvis (Rob Bell)

When I Don't Desire God (John Piper)

Twelve Ordinary Men (John Macarthur)

Driven by Eternity (John Bevere)

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