Saturday, 3 July 2010

School Holidays/ Christmas in July

Hello YA's!

I hope you've all had a fantastic Saturday!

Last Tuesday was our last life group for term 2, can anyone believe how fast the year is flying by? We now have a 2 week break from LG due to the school holidays.
Life Group will resume in the first week of term 3 on Tuesday 20th July.

"Why the Christmas tree?" I hear you ask...

In order to celebrate the beginning of term 3, we will be having a Christmas in July potluck dinner!!

Woo hoo!! I'm excited! :)

Where: Sally and Aaron's place.

When: Tuesday 20th July, 7pm.

What to bring: A plate of food to share with everyone, preferably something Christmassy.

What to wear: Something Christmassy!

RSVP: By Sunday 18th July. Please leave a comment on this blog outlining what you are bringing, so that we don't get any double ups, and to help others decide what to bring.

I hope you can all make it, will be lots of fun!!!

Love Sal :)


Unknown said...

Woohoo! YA's unite in food fest!!! I'll leave the useful commenting to my wife...

Lucy Upton said...

We will be there! I will have to find Izzy something christmasy to wear! Perhaps I can wrap her up as a pressie!!! We will bring a creamy potato bake and some drink. Love, Luce

Sal said...

Yay, thanks Jonathan and Lucy for your comments!
Yum, sounds good Luce! First Christmas in July for Izzy, we will have to make it a good one!

Screwtape said...

I'll be there.

I guess I can bring along a BBQ chicken or something!

Bree said...

Yay! We're there. I'll make pumpkin pie... you all will love it!

Unknown said...

Dang, what should I bring? Christmas fruitcake maybe if I can find any? Turkey maybe if I can find any? Any suggestions Sally?

Unknown said...

Food food food!!

Em Marsh said...

Hi Sal,
I will do a big dish of roast vegies, and we'll bring some drinks :)
Oh, and Ava, so Izzy has company!
See you then!

Liz said...

Hi Sal,
Joe and I would love to come! We'll bring a plate of meat - Ham and either pork or beef, and drinks also!
See you there

Sal said...

Awesome, thank you everyone for your contributions! Our menu is sounding delicious!

Eerik, if you can find a Christmas pudding then you can bring that, but if you can't, you could bring some bread and some nibblies e.g. cheese & crackers etc.

I'll make a couple of salads and a dessert of some form. ooo maybe I'll try to make eggnog...I'm going to look up a recipe now!

Also, if anyone would like any alcoholic beverages, please BYO as we have limited supplies!! :)

Unknown said...

Is is possible to include your eggnog in the tea tray line up :)