During the past few life groups, we've had quite a few discussion on work: people unhappy in their job, people applying for new jobs, other people loving their jobs, as well as discussions on how our employment related to the purpose for our lives.
I've been doing a little bit of reading lately, and have stumbled across some encouraging words re: jobs and work, so I thought I'd share :)
I loved this verse from Ecclesiastes:
"This is what I have observed to be good: that it is appropriate for people to eat, to
drink, and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labour under the sun during the few days
of life God has given them - for this is their lot.
Moreover, when God gives people wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy with their toil - this is a gift from God." (Ecc 5: 18-20)
I've been reading a book called "Guidance and the Voice of God" by Phillip D Jensen and Tony Payne, that a girl from work lent me. Here are a couple of excerpts from this book:
"...All the same, for all work's frustrations and imperfections, we can be positive and enthusiastic about it, knowing that out daily labour is one more avenue in which we can act 'in the name of the Lord Jesus'. Work remains a good part of God's creation, which Chrisitans are urged to be engaged in out of love for others. The results of our work may pass away, but the love never passes away." (p.121)
We all struggle with reading the Bible, and I thought this paragraph was a good reminder that instead of continually contemplating whether we are on the right track or not, we should be going back to the "light for our path"...
"How is God going to guide me? By talking to me.
How do I hear his voice? By reading the scriptures.
How do I hear his voice? By reading the scriptures.
Do they show me the way I should go? They most certainly do, for they teach me how God wants me to live. They rebuke me when I depart from the way. They correct me to show the way back. They train me in the right way to go. They guide me every step of the way to the great destination that God has for me - to be conformed to the image of Jeses, and live in God's glorious presence for ever". (p.75)
I thought this was great:
"In all normal circumstances, Christans should seek to be usefully and gainfully employed. We should avoid laziness and idleness. Even if we are unemployed, and are having difficulty finding work, we should use our time well, and do what work we can to contribute to others". (p.130)
Well I hope that a few of you were able to gain some encouragement from this post. I am certainly trying to change my attitude about work at the moment!
I'll see you all tomorrow, hopefully it won't be as hot as today!!
Love Sal
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